Fashion Vulnerability: The Starting Point

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I would say I’ve come a long way in my fashion journey (and no - I'm not going to be sharing old photos of myself). I have never been particularly confident in my style - especially when my career was blossoming. I was awkward in front of the camera, didn't know my angles (still don't) and generally had no idea what style meant to me. That’s also the reason why I considered myself more of a beauty and makeup content creator and I felt like I didn’t really have the "right“ to talk about fashion.


Over the years, I have realized now that it doesn’t really matter if you’re an expert in fashion to talk about fashion - it's subjective anyway. Even though my style might not be completely perfectly "on trend" or "fashionable" in every aspect, I feel like I have finally found my style. It took me quite a long time especially since it can be quite confusing to find your true style when having a job in social media. We're all constantly exposed to everyone else’s style-most of which look exactly the same because fashion bloggers tend to follow trends. No shade - I love looking at Instagram and blogs to see what everyone's into, but that is really not the be all and end all when it comes to style. I have definitely found myself comparing myself to others and it has made me feel insecure in the past. I thought they were doing a better job than me and would look at my own body and my own wardrobe with much confusion. What should I be wearing? The answer is - whatever the fuck I feel like. Fashion should not be about wearing anything other than what makes you feel the way you want to feel. And that can change day to day, moment to moment. Be you!


Shop Zebra Tops


Over the past couple of years I have finally started to be more confident in my fashion choices (not sure if my age has helped a bit with that). I know what brands I love, what I feel good in, what colours I like and what I don’t like. I love wide legged tailored black pants, some nice fitting blue denim jeans, a cute cropped knitted sweater or a tight fitting turtleneck and some square toe ankle boots. I’ve been doing a lot of trial and error these past years and oh there were some rather painful to look at fashion mishaps, but I don’t look back and feel embarrassed about any of my outfits because I know at the time it made me feel confident.

Another problem I’ve encountered during my fashion times is the storage system in my closet. It’s hard to figure out a system that works for you and your home! One only has so much closet space in their home and that can get quite limiting sometimes. I’m not going to lie, my wardrobe has seen some dark times let me tell you that. Keeping a space organized when it seems to be too small can be quite tricky. I'm finally trying to address that.

I also want to start posting more fashion content even though I might not be as confident in this area as others - I really love and enjoy it! So who cares if sometimes you find me in a cute Toteme blouse and smart trousers and other times in my sweatpants paired with a miss matching top? That's life. Fashion is FUN and shouldn’t be exclusive to anyone. I love being comfortable but also love looking chic and sexy. 

I look forward to showing my vulnerable side when it comes to fashion. This is the starting point - buckle up! 


My Favourite Winter Fragrances